Comment history with karmakiller
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 comments
haha lucky my school has it too just not in any classes i'm in. i don't know what i'm going to do in 17 days when it's gone )= at least i'll have this paint shop pro photo x2 thing
lol, i hear you. my school has photoshop on their computers (and old version, of course) and whenever im in one of the computer rooms i mess around on it rather than do my work.
haha well i've just been going crazy with my 30 day free trial of photoshop..changing eye and hair colors before the time runs out lol
Ooooh, I was going to say... I've never seen anyone with green eyes like that. That or I would've insulted you and been like "Wow, you have mutated eyes" lol
oh thats okay, and no, not even close, they're dark brown haha
Ooooooh, I didn't realize the Photo. my bad. I thought you just meant PSP. I use PSP8. I didn't mean to come off as rude or anything when I replied =X
are your eyes really that green?
well i was just wondering if there was a difference between paint shop pro and paint shop pro PHOTO x2. i kno what you can do in paint shop pro, but i didn't know if you could do the same things in the photo x2 version